Wednesday 5 October 2011

Audience Feedback: Questionnaire


Toys Questionnaire

1.    Gender:
Male                           Female

2.    Age:
15-17              18-20              21-30              31+

3.    Which do you prefer?
Board Games                                    Digital Games

4.    What was your most memorable toy as a child?
Dolls/Action Figure              Board Games                        Teddy Bear                Cars

If other please specify:

5.    Rate these toys from coolest to lamest in your opinion (1 = lowest, 10 = highest)
Action Man
Skipping Rope
Rubik’s Cube
Wind Up Toys
Xbox, Play station, Wii etc.
Toy Babies (Baby Annabel)

6.    How often as a child did you play with your toys?
1-3 hours a day                    4-6 hours a day                    6+ hours a day

7.    How often do you play with toys now?
1-3 hours a day                    4-6 hours a day                    6+ hours a day

8.    Do you use your mobile phone as a source for games?
Yes                 No

9.    If you answered yes to question 8, what genre of games do you play?
Classic Games (Snake, Pac-man, Space Invaders etc)
Angry Birds               Tap Tap                      Brick Breaker                        Other

If other please specify:

10. What was the most recent toy you have bought?

11. Would you let your kids play with the toys that you played while growing up?
Yes                 No

12. What is your opinion on modern games/toys?
Anti-Social                Social            
13. Do you prefer older or newer toys?
Older              Newer

14. Do you think video games are too violent?
Yes                 No                   Don’t Know

15. Did your parents buy you video games that were rated 18+?
Yes                 No

16. Can you guess what the most popular selling toy for teens was last year?
Wii                  Digital Camera                     Amazon Kindle                   
Ipod Nano                 Nintendo DSi                        Play Station 3          
Xbox 360
17. Did you own what you think is the most popular game of last year was?
Yes                 No

18. When you were younger, did you play with your toys with your friends?
Yes                 No

19. Do you think modern gaming is more unsociable that older games?
Yes                 No

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