Thursday 13 October 2011

Brainstorming of Content

Here is a brainstorm of our documentary. This shows what we are planning to do for our final plan and what we intend to do in our actual documentary. We have outlined who we want to interview, the music we plan on using, cutaways we think will work and also the voice over. 

  • Jack in the Box music
  •  Danny Elfman "Breakfast machine" 
We have chosen these as ideas because when people hear them they remind people of toys and playfulness and that is what we want our documentary to be about.


  • With students
  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Toy shop worker - The Entertainer, Hawkins Bizarre, Argos, Asda
We decided we should have interviews with people of all ages to get a wider opinion on games and also to give the documentary variety. 

Archive Material:

  • Old toy adverts - Barbie, Board games etc.
  • Newer toy/game adverts - Xbox games etc.
We thought we would have adverts in our piece to show the audience what toys were like when they were out and also to show the difference between newer and older games.


  • Toy images
  • Footage of people playing with toys
  • Footage of a toy shop
  • Images of different games
  • Stop motion clips of dolls, Lego etc.
We will use these as cutaways during the interviews so the audience can see what they are talking about if they had not heard of the toy before, they could see a picture and recognise it. Cutaways also give the documentary a variety to just interviews.

Voice Over:
  • Students
  • Parent (older voice, sounds more professional)
We have planned to use an older voice as our voice over to make the piece sound professional.

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