Thursday 20 October 2011

Formal proposal for Documentary

Formal proposal for Documentary.

Toys are us, is a documentary that will make the audience relive their childhood and discover their inner child. We will be discussing how toys have evolved over years, from generation to generation. We will then be exploring toys today vs old toys and argue whether new technology has made toys more or less sociable for children. Toy are us will be an Expository Documentary as we will follow the codes and conventions of what is included in an expository documentary, and will address the audience in the form of authoritative commentary, it will also contain images and archive material to back up our argument. We will be using BBC 3 to air our documentary as it is a great platform for up and coming documentaries. It will be presented in an informal manor, also making it direct towards the audience. It will be shown at 8pm so it isn’t on too late that people wont be up or to early that people will miss it, as our audience is between the ages of 15-18 and also 40-60 as there is going to be a wide range of ages in the interviews and there will be references to the older and younger generation.
For our documentary we will be filming a lot of primary research, as we want a wide range of interviews from younger people, teenages, parents and even grand parents so we can cover all aspects we wish to question. Also will are filming footage of the toys we mention, to make it more visually pleasing for the audience. We also will be using statistics from our audience research so we will need to make them into charts to show on screen. Finally we will need to film our cut aways, we want to show people using the toys we are talking about, stores we are talking about. For our secondary research we need to gain our archive footage of adverts of the toys and demonstrations of the toys. Also we need different types of music to accompany the documentary.
Our documentary will follow a linear structure, because with our audience age ranging over a wide amount it will be better to have something which is easier for all the ages to understand. The content of our documentary will be interviews with students and teens, parents and the middle aged and finally grandparents and the older generation. The archive material will be of adverts for each toys. We will have cutaways of toy images, stop motion of toys playing, footage of toy shops, images of games and footage of people playing with toys. Will want to have two voice overs a teenager and an older person as it will give variety to the documentary. We also want to make reconstructions of people using the toys to make it more visual pleasing for the audience. And finally we will be using the jack in the box theme to open out documentary as it is a well known theme tune and it will lead the audience into the documentary without having to say what it is about.

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