Friday 23 September 2011

Documentary Analyses: The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special in 3D on Ice

The Simpsons TV show - How well its done over the years 
The TV industry and how it works and behind the scenes features of the TV industry 

Narrative Structure:
Linear - starts with The Simpsons at the beginning when it started and how its progressed and gained fans

Camera Work:
Rule of Thirds on interviews to clearly show who is being interviewed
Handheld camera when narrator is shown walking through the street
2 person interviews - mid shot to show them both in the screen
Pan across stacks of magazines
Track backwards when showing narrator in the street

Simpsons memorabilia including figurines, magazines, clothes etc.

The Simpsons theme tune by many different artists to show how big the Simpsons is

Fast pace editing between the musicians and the interviews 
Cuts to Simpsons footage 

Archive Material:
Simpsons opening footage - Bart skating through "Springfield"

Titles of people being interviewed
The Simpsons footage

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