Friday 23 September 2011

Documentary Analysis - The Meth Epidemic

Type of Documentary:
Expository Documentary

Drugs - Shows the different aspects of drugs. Throughout the documentary it shows people that have used drugs and the effect it has on them and also it shows the making of drugs and how people were making them illegally.
Addiction - In this documentary it shows people that have been addicted to drugs and shows a before and after photo of people addicted to drugs and how their apperance has changed due to their addiction.
Police - Shows the point of view of the police and how they deal with drug users.
Law - Talks about the law about drugs and shows people being arrested for drug possesion.
Government - Shows clips from interviews with people in government and also what the government think about this "epidemic"

Narrative Structure:
Epic Narrative

Camera Work:
Track of tablets in a supermarket
close up of bags of drugs
out of focus shots
focus pull
close up of body parts - not shoing their faces
low angle shot, looking up at meth user walking down steps with police officer
handheld camera shots
extreme close up of eyes, hands, computer screens
zoom out from laptop screen
close up od handcuffs
pan of supermarket shelves

Police cars - flashing lights
police station
Trailer park
projector with graphs on
people walking in the street
playing chess
shot of outside a pharmacy

Background music - sad music - sets atmosphere
"Rock and Roll Music"

photos fade into eachother
blurred faces
fade to black cutaways
graphics over footage of Meth and money
sped up footage of people with pills - taking them out of the packets

Archive Footage:
Photos - family photos, mug shots
people making the drugs in their kitchens "home videos"
footage of Meth labs being raided

Statistics - Map of America to show how many people are using across America
Titles of people being interviewed - who they are and what they do

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