Friday 23 September 2011

Documentary Analyses: In The Teeth Of Jaws

Media and Film making: Gives an inside view to how the film industry works and how something  like a film is put together and the interesting steps a film goes through to actually get made.

Narrative Structure:
This documentary has an epic narrative structure as there is no set timeline, it just goes from one point to the next and skips back and forth to different points.

Camera Work:
Rule of thirds on interviews to show a clear shot of who is being interviewed and they are clearly framed in the screen
Mid shot of the people being interviewed to show them clearly.
Zoom in/out on parts of the screenplay of "Jaws" to show certain words which match with what the interviewer was talking about.

Picture of "Jaws" in the background of interviews - relevant images to subject matter
Posters of "Jaws" in background of interviews
The ocean 
The people that are being interviewed look smart - formal interview

Famous "Jaws" suspenseful music
No narration - the interviews are edited together so that they link into each other and one point links into the next so there is no need for a narrator

Cutaways to add variety to the interviews and to display images over the interviews about what they are discussing

Archive Material:
Photos from "Jaws" screenplay
Footage from "Jaws" films 

Titles - Animation of the ocean and a shark swimming up to the camera and opening its mouth to the camera "In the teeth of Jaws" shown inside the mouth of the shark in white letters
Titles of the people being interviewed and their job in creating the film so the audience know who they are.

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