Tuesday 29 November 2011

Interview Questions

For our documentary we have set up an interview with a worker in a top toy store, The Entertainer. So we are prepared for the interview we have set a list of questions that we intend to ask the interviewee.
Interview Questions:
What toys did you play with when you were younger?
What toys were your favourite when you were growing up?
Do you still play with toys now?
Do you play games on your phone? if so which games?
Did you play with Barbie/Ken or Action Men?
Did/Do you play with board games?
Do you play on the Xbox/Playstation/Wii? If so which games do  you enjoy playing?
Do you think that newer gaming is becoming anti-social?
We will also use these questions for our other interviews and vox pops.
However when we set up an interview with a teenage friend we had to change the questions slightly…
What toys did you play with when you were younger?
What toys were your favourite when you were growing up?
Do you still play with toys now?
What do you play on your xbox?
What is your favourite game?
What do you think of modern gaming compared to olden gaming?
Do you still enjoy playing with board games?

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