Wednesday 9 November 2011

Location Sheets

Before filming we had made locations sheets of the places we where going to interview in so we could see where would be best to film and place the camera.

This is the media room that we used in college to film interviews and we used the blue screen here to make sure the mise-en-scene was appropriate.

This is the layout of "The Entertainer", a toy shop in Warrington Town Centre. This is where we filmed the interview with one of the employees.

This is the layout of Katie's bedroom where we filmed an interview with her. We used her bedroom because this was the best place for the mise-en-scene as she had a range of toys around her bedroom.

This is the layout for Luke's bedroom as this is where we filmed the interview with him. We chose this location because this is where his Xbox was and we needed to film him playing on it for real footage.

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