Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Preliminary Task:

Evaluation for Prelim:
I think our Prelim was good because we used our knowledge of documentary codes and conventions to create our own documentary. I think we could have made it better by paying more attention to the mise-en-scene as the background we used was plain white. Also we could have added more cutaways as the interviewer talks for a while without any cutaways. We could have had more cutaways of people on the phone rather than just still images, we could have done this if we had managed our time correctly and made time to film everything we need rather than filming the interview and some cutaways and then coming to edit and realising that we need to film some more.
We could have made the introduction better by adding better music as all we used was different ringtones because we thought that would sound effective as the theme for the documentary is mobile phones.
If we had more time for filming I think we should have interviewed some more people as it would make the documentary more varied. We had problems when we first filmed the interview because we had technical difficulties with the microphone as it was our first time using them. From now we have learnt to make sure it is plugged in correctly and switched on and to test it before filming the whole interview to find out that there is no sound.

I think the editing process went well as we knew what we were doing as we learnt how to do everything in AS media and used that knowledge to edit quickly and effectively. We used a cross fade on the cutaways to make them look more effective and professional.